Thursday 29 June 2017

Hatch Challenge true or false.

My reflection
I had to answer questions true or false I found this tricky because I did not know the answers my next step is to do harder questions.

45 Sounds of English

My reflection
we had to do a different sound of English every day we had to think of about 15 words every day and 2 sentences  with some of the words from the sound we wore doing.

Thursday 22 June 2017

Speech Planning

My reflection
Select relevant ideas for the purpose and audience
Give facts and examples to back up our opinions

I can brainstorm many ideas related to my topic. I can organise ideas into three or more groups.I am still learning to give three facts or examples to back up each opinion I have
My next steps are to add more detail

Near Doubles

Thursday 15 June 2017

Questions and Non-fiction.

My reflection
First we had to ask questions about the book and find the answers when we were reading
then we had to write the questions and put the answers next to it. Then we had to put how
meany of the thing there was so if the question was how meany headings you would have to put how meany headings there were in the book and why you need them.

Success Criteria
  • Can ask questions before, during and after reading I can ask questions before, during and after reading

  • Can identify the type of questions being asked I am still learning to identify the type of questions being asked

  • Can use different sources (search text, prior knowledge, other texts) to answer questions I am still learning to use different sources to answer questions

  • Can identify features of non-fiction texts and explain their purpose I am still learning to identify features of non-fiction texts and explain their purpose

Wednesday 7 June 2017

stop and dash

My reflection
I am learning to make a stop and dash slide we had to write 5 sentences about
any subject so I chose my birthday. I did well was correctly use the stop and dash sentence.
I am proud of my work because I completed the success criteria next time I should
add more color. now I plan to do longer slides I still wonder if I did really well.