Friday, 4 March 2016

Our Trip to Te Tuhi

We went on a trip to Te Tuhi.  We did the Wish You Were Here workshop.  This is my picture.  I enjoyed it because I love painting

Maths venn diagram

My reflection.

We have been learning to identify odd and even numbers and numbers less than 20. We did an activity on Nrich using a venn diagram. I found this easy because I have learnt multiples of 5 and numbers less than 20. My next steps is to use different numbers.

Thursday, 3 March 2016

DiD you ever poem

My reflction

I have been learning write a did you ever poem. I found this easy because I knew which idea  I wanted to do straight away. My next step is to use a different subject.

Wednesday, 2 March 2016

Finding and Summarising Information

My Reflection

I have been learning to find and summarise information. We read two non-fiction books. One was about Albatrosses and eagles. then we used a venn diogrem to put our ideas down and compave then.
I found this work easy because I new adout Eagles and Albatross.
the best part of this is finding facts.  My Next step is to work more on summarising.